If we use brown sugar or Muscovado sugar the taste of brownies becomes more intense and rich. The good thing about non filtered sugar is that other than more flavor depth, they have so many other minerals which slows down -compare to the white sugar- the insulin spike in the body.
In this recipe the brownies are soft and fluffy just like a cake.
Ingredients | 5 servings
- 1Tbsp Cocoa Powder
- 170g/6oz Dark Chocolate
- 100g/3.5oz Flour
- 170g/6oz Butter
- 70g/2.5oz Brown Sugar / Muscovado sugar
- 3 Eggs
- 1/2 tsp Vanilla
- Pinch of Salt
➡️ All the ingredients should be at room temperature, if eggs, for example, are cold the brownies will not rise properly in the oven.
– Mix: flour, salt, vanilla, and cocoa powder

– In another bowl whisk: butter & sugar until they become creamy, then add 3 eggs and whisk.
– Melt the dark chocolate on bain-marie, add it to the bowl.

– Combine all ingredients.

– Pour it in a baking mold (mine was 20cm/7.8inch square) covered with parchment paper.

– Place it in the middle rack of the oven ⏳ back for 18-20mins at ♨️180°C/350F°

Wait till it cools down, then cube-cut the brownies and serve them warm or at room temperature.

Enjoy! ☺️