Generally, Ash (Āsh) refers to a dense soup that is made of herbs & legumes. When we add noodles, which in Perisan called: Reshteh, the Ash becomes “Ash of Reshteh” (noodle’s soup). It is the most popular type of Ash in Iran.
Iran is the land of Ash, according to Wikipedia, there are 50 varieties of Ash in Iran. Ash Reshteh is not an easy recipe, it’s so laborious. Every time I cook, it takes 3 hours. Because i make everything from scratch. If all the ingredients like Reshteh, Kashk (or yogurt’s cream) & legumes are ready, it takes much less but we can’t fast forward the cooking time of Ash because its flavors should be settled. (جا بیوفته)
Ingredients | 4-5 servings
- 130g/4.5oz mix of beans (pinto, white, red)
- 40g/2.1oz Chickpeas
- 80g/2.8oz Lentils
- 2 Onions
- 100g/3.5oz chopped Coriander
- 200g/7oz chopped Parsley
- 200g/7oz chopped Chives or Leek
- 250g/8oz chopped Spinach
- 1 teaspoon Turmeric
- 2 tsp Cumin
- 3tbsp dried Mint
- 3 clove of Garlic
- 4-5 tbsp Kashk
- 300g/10.5oz fresh or 150g/5.3oz dried Reshteh (noodles)
- Pinch of Saffron (optional: for decoration)
- 3tbs Clarified Butter or oil
Reshteh: if Homemade 250g/9oz, if Packed/industrial 100g/3.5oz
Preparation of ingredients
– Better to soak them overnight (except lentils). In the day after you can cook them in 1 hour. If not, in a pressure cooker they will take 45 minutes to cook (with loads of water).
Reshteh (noodles) you can either:
1- Iranian supermarkets sells Reshteh or you can use pasta (spaghetti shape)
2- Make it yourself: Mix 3 times flour more than water, (like: 70g/2.5oz water, 200g/7oz flour) knead till you have a very dry dough. Let it rest for 1-2 hours then extend the dough to have a sheet of 3 mm of thickness and cut it in strips of 10-12 cm.
➡️ for more details check out reshteh recipe: reshteh
Kashk (the white sauce) you can either:
– If you find buy it from Iranian supermarkets or online shops.
– Homemade Kashk: On low heat, mix 500g/17.6 sour sheep yogurt (preferable) with 1tbsp of salt. Stir gently till it reduces in less than half. I use a blender to make it creamy. (and add some water if it needs) ✅
➡️ The homemade Kashk will not taste the same as the one in Iran, because in that case the yogurt goes through aging process and acquires a pungent taste which is the main characteristic of Kashk. We can’t do that at home because it needs some special conditions that if not respected pathogenic bacteria may grow and are very dangerous.
Final pot
– Chop 1 onion in a big pot (will be the pot of Ash) stir fry, when they become slightly golden add turmeric, cumin, and 1 chopped clove of garlic.
– Stir fry for some seconds.
– Add herbs, spinach and lentils.
– Pour 1.5L of boiling water.

⏳ Put the lid on and simmer for 1 hour.
– Add the cooked beans. Add half of the dried mint & 3-4 tbsp of Kashk and mix well.
⏳ Add Reshteh and simmer the Ash. If Reshteh is fresh 5-7 minutes, if not it +12 minutes.
Since the reshteh absorbs so much water, watch the density of the ash, If it gets too dense add a bit of boiling water.

(optional) Mix 1tbp of flour in a 1/3 glass of cold water. Pour it in and simmer for ⏳ 5 minutes.
– Turn off the heat. Adjust the seasoning, avoid adding too much salt because, we’ll serve Ash with extra Kashk on top which is already salty.
– Let Ash Reshteh rests for 20 minutes. It is essential to serve Ash Reshteh warm not very hot.
Meanwhile prepare the 5 toppings:
– Fried onion: slice onion very tiny, fry till they become golden brown.

– Fried garlic: chop the garlic into slices, fry till they gain golden color and becomes like small chips.
– Mint oil: heat half cup of extra virgin olive oil on medium heat, when it becomes slightly hot, turn off the heat, crush the dried mint between your fingers and sprinkle in pan and it’s done!
– Saffron water: pour in 1/4 cup of boiling water in glass and add a pinch of ground saffron. Leave it for ⏳5 minutes to release all its color to water.
– Kashk: If it’s very dense, dilute it with a bit of water when it becomes creamy it’s ready.
Decorate the serving bowl with the toppings: kashk, fried garlic and onion, saffron and mint oil
Final word: pat your shoulders and call yourself: “Ashpaz“, the one who can cook Ash, which is the word used for “Cook/Chef” in Persian. (it is not a recipe that everyone can do ☺️)

Good luck with cooking your Ash Reshteh 😆
Thank you I loved this recipe! Came out awesome and it was my first time making Ash. I used to get this at the famous “Taste of NYC” hidden inside a pizza shop
I’m so happy the recipe helped you to make Ash! Thanks for sharing the link it’s so joyful and I didn’t know such place existed in NYC ❤️
Hi. Great recipe. Can I request if you have the video tutorial too? Thanks.
Hi Ali, thanks but currently I don’t have any video recipe for Ash preparation If I add I’ll let you know.