I’m Bahareh, born and raised in Iran and live in Italy for almost 15 years.

In 2004 I moved to Siena to study Communication Technology followed by Interaction Design. I finished my studies in 2010. You might think it has nothing to do with cooking but thanks to this part of my life I was able to make foodcraftz website.
I discovered my passion for cooking when I was homesick during the university period.
It was hard to live by myself far from family, changing drastically the ambient and culture even though I had so many good Italian friends and had a great experience of living university life, I felt something was always missing and each time I was cooking, that feeling started to disappear and I felt much better after. It was like therapy!
The love of food
We know Italy is one of the most “delicious” countries in the world & Italians are very severe regarding their food and food traditions. Their attention to ingredients, the process of cooking, and how you eat a certain food is surprisingly serious. Living here made me somehow sensitive toward food as well. Strangely I’m feeling so concerned about how people eat what I cook 🙂
About Foodcraft
I chose this name the day after I watched Warcraft in the cinema! :-)) for days I was trying to make this blog but didn’t know how to name it… So bingo! I just changed slightly the “crafts” to “craftz” otherwise, the cost of the domain was: $10k! ?
In Foodcrafz, I tried to put different recipes mostly Iranian (where I’m from) and some Italian (where I live) but also you can find low carb, sweets, etc.
There are some names in Iranian cuisine that are irreplaceable and can’t be translated. So I keep calling them with their original names. For example Tahdig = Crust of Rice at the bottom of the pot.

Cooking Diploma
In 2018, I’ve finally got into a professional cooking school in Milan and got my diploma in “Alta Cucina Italiana” (Italian haute cuisine), and worked for 3 months in a Michelin star restaurant in Milan. So now I can say I’m a cook for real! :))
Whenever I have time I’m working to add recipe to my food blog, hope you find them interesting. If you have any suggestions, I would be happy to hear from you.
Email me: contact@foodcraftz.com
Thank you for passing by, happy navigation! : ))